NGC 660 is a beautiful irregular galaxy in Pisces. It is located about 45 million light years from earth. The strange shape was most likely made when two galaxies collided billions of years ago.
Image Information:
Shot the night of 11/13/2015 from Southern Utah
Camera: Atik 414EX M @ -20C
Original Image Scale: 1.09" / Pixel
Scope: TPO 12" F4 with SkyWatcher F4CC
Orion Thin Off Axis Guider with ASI120MM as Guidecam
Mount: HDX110
LRGB (Min): 130:60:60:60 Bin 1X1, 6 Darks
Orion 2" LRGB filters
DSS and Photoshop
Seeing: ~ 5/10
Transparency: ~ 8/10
Wind: 1-2mph